Navigating Pressure From Friends and Family When Considering Abortion

Even when your loved ones have good intentions, the pressure to make a certain pregnancy decision can feel impossible to overcome. And if you’re thinking about abortion, know that you cannot be coerced into having one against your will. Emotions may run high during this time, but this is your pregnancy. You alone can decide … Continued

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Heavy Bleeding During Medical Abortion: How Much Bleeding is Too Much?

Making informed medical decisions and monitoring your health will help you protect your well-being. And when you’re faced with an unexpected pregnancy, you need the facts about your options. Medical abortion is one method that ends a pregnancy, and you’ll always experience bleeding with this procedure. But how do you know when the bleeding is … Continued

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My Friends Are Telling Me to Abort, But I’m Not Ready

Finding yourself in a situation where your friends are advising you to have an abortion, but you feel unprepared to make that decision, is incredibly challenging. Feeling pressured into an abortion is one of the risk factors for experiencing a mental health issue after an abortion. It may be tempting to allow someone else to … Continued

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I Already Have Mental Health Problems. Could Abortion Make it Worse?

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. It is crucial to weigh all the risks whenever you make a major medical decision. Abortion is a decision that requires thought and medical oversight. Before choosing this option, you should always learn about the procedure and assess the potential mental health implications. Cleburne … Continued

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Can I Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?

Some women regret taking mifepristone, the first drug used in the abortion pill method. There can be various reasons for this, such as having made a pregnancy decision quickly or under pressure. If you regret your decision, know there may be time to continue the pregnancy if you act quickly. Finding a provider can be … Continued

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How to Find the Abortion Reversal Pill

You may feel panicked or overwhelmed if you’re trying to find a provider offering APR. After all, realizing that you wish to continue your pregnancy can create extra stress, especially since timing is crucial. The good news is it’s more straightforward than you may think. We’ll outline everything you need to know–we care about your … Continued

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Why Would I Choose Adoption Instead of Abortion?

Each pregnancy option has pros and cons, and you’ll need information before deciding. Remember, an unplanned pregnancy decision shouldn’t be made by anyone else; no one can coerce you into selecting a specific option. If you’re considering abortion, adoption may not seem like a logical second option. Women choose abortion because they don’t want to … Continued

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Can You Help Me Place My Child for Adoption?

Have questions about the adoption process? If you’re a prospective birth mother, this can be expected. You’ll want answers before making this pregnancy decision. Cleburne Pregnancy Center is not an adoption agency, but we provide referrals to reputable, licensed adoption agencies in the area. We can also answer questions about the process and provide ongoing … Continued

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Is it Mentally Easier to Abort Rather Than Choose Adoption?

Sorting through your feelings about pregnancy options like abortion and adoption can be challenging. You may have received input from loved ones or are collecting information alone. Though this is your pregnancy decision, it is crucial to have all the facts. Cleburne Pregnancy Center will review your options in a free, confidential environment. Will I … Continued

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Can I Get Help With Pregnancy Expenses if I Choose Adoption?

It’s reasonable to expect help with pregnancy expenses if you are placing your child for adoption. You may struggle financially or need extra support as you continue your pregnancy. Whether you receive help depends on your state’s adoption laws and what the adoptive parents provide. Adoption agencies can also provide ongoing support. Keep reading to … Continued

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