Some women regret taking mifepristone, the first drug used in the abortion pill method. There can be various reasons for this, such as having made a pregnancy decision quickly or under pressure.
If you regret your decision, know there may be time to continue the pregnancy if you act quickly. Finding a provider can be done through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network’s 24/7 helpline.
How Effective is APR?
During a medical abortion, mifepristone blocks progesterone, and misoprostol causes uterine contractions that expel the pregnancy and associated tissue from the body.
Abortion pill reversal, or APR, uses progesterone to counteract the effects of mifepristone. This hormone is administered orally, vaginally, or by injection.
One study found that progesterone (administered intramuscularly) continued pregnancies in 64% of cases. It is not an FDA-approved process, but APR has been successful when begun as soon as possible. It is not known to cause adverse effects and has been used to support pregnancies for over 50 years.
Know that you cannot continue the pregnancy if you’ve taken both mifepristone and misoprostol. Moreover, APR’s success rate decreases the longer you wait. Acting quickly is critical.
Finding a provider may feel daunting, but help is available. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network assists you with this step and can provide additional resources.
Cleburne Pregnancy Center knows an unplanned pregnancy is often a stressful time. Whether APR was successful for your pregnancy or you’re struggling with your post-abortion recovery, we’re here for you. Our advocates will provide continuous emotional support and connect you to helpful resources.
Talk with Us Today
Cleburne Pregnancy Center provides free and confidential medical services because no woman should face an unplanned pregnancy alone. We’re here to supply the information you need.
Contact us today to make an appointment and determine your next steps.