Your opinion is most important when making a pregnancy decision. The choice you make affects your life and future the most, and no one can legally force you to have an abortion if you don’t want to.
Coping with pressure from loved ones can be difficult, but you aren’t alone. Cleburne Pregnancy Center is here to help. We’ll provide the nonjudgmental information needed to navigate the decision-making process.
Schedule a free and confidential appointment today. You deserve to make a pressure-free decision.
It’s Your Choice to Make
An unexpected pregnancy can make family and friends feel entitled to give opinions. Whether they’ve had an abortion in the past, are concerned for your future, or just want to share their perspective, these opinions can feel overwhelming.
The following are some steps to take as you move forward.
1. Determine the source of this pressure.
It’s one thing for loved ones to want to share their opinion. It’s another thing entirely for them to try to force you into an abortion decision.
If you feel you are being coerced into having an abortion, you deserve help. This is your life and your choice, and you aren’t alone. You can call 911 in an emergency or the National Domestic Violence Hotline for 24/7 support and resources.
Any abuse and mistreatment you face is never okay, but there is a path forward. Your well-being is the priority.
2. Speak openly and honestly about your feelings.
If you aren’t in an abusive situation, having honest conversations with loved ones can help. Voicing how you feel, although difficult, can help you assert control over the situation.
Boundaries are crucial during this time. How do you want your friends and family to treat you? What bothers you when they try to pressure you? Being direct and asserting your boundaries can remind them that this is your choice.
Sometimes, people feel helpless over situations they cannot control. They may struggle with your situation because of their own fears or background. This can make them overreact and pressure you to make a specific decision.
Telling your loved ones how they can support you can redirect their focus. Your friends and family can spend more time and energy helping you with household tasks, doctor’s appointments, and more–instead of pressuring you into a decision.
3. Receive free and confidential options information.
Learning about your options in a confidential environment will help you weigh each one carefully and consider the best one for your situation. Our advocates will discuss all your pregnancy options–parenting, adoption, and abortion–and you alone will make the decision.
An unexpected pregnancy can be a stressful time, but you have support. You are capable of making a decision, and we’ll provide accurate information you can trust.
Free and Confidential Services
Cleburne Pregnancy Center provides free and confidential services. Our compassionate team is excited to hear from you.
Schedule an appointment today. You don’t have to face this situation alone.
Cleburne Pregnancy Center does not provide or refer for abortions.Â
Abortion is currently illegal in Texas except in cases of life endangerment, but women cannot be held criminally or civilly liable for seeking one.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.