Do you think you may be pregnant? Excitement, fear, and doubt are some of the many emotions you could feel right now. Take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy and move forward with confidence. While it may be nerve racking anticipating the result, know if you do receive a positive test, you have options.
How Does A Pregnancy Test Work?
Pregnancy tests check your urine for a hormone called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Your body only produces this hormone if you are pregnant, releasing it when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.
There are two steps you will want to take to confirm your pregnancy. First, take an at-home pregnancy test after purchasing one at your local convenience store. According to most manufacturers, at-home tests are 99 percent effective. They are also inexpensive.
Your next step is to take a lab-quality pregnancy test at a medical pregnancy center, like ours, Cleburne Pregnancy Center. Though at-home tests are accurate most of the time, you want to be sure of your results moving forward.
How Soon Can I Take A Test?
You could be experiencing many early pregnancy symptoms already. The best time to take a pregnancy test is a week after your missed period. You could get inaccurate results if you take a test too early. When you are pregnant, it takes time for your body to develop a detectable level of the hCG hormone (at least 7-12 days).
What’s Next If It’s Positive?
After you take an at-home and lab-quality pregnancy test, an ultrasound is your next best step. It reveals how far along you are, and if your pregnancy is viable. It can also alarm you of any pregnancy risks or concerns that you were not aware of.
Contact us today for your free and confidential pregnancy test appointment. Our medical team is here to support you, and provide information on everything you need to know about your pregnancy. We can also discuss your options to help you make an informed decision for your future.