If you are sexually active, you should be tested yearly for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you have multiple partners, you should test more often, about every 3-6 months. Testing should be done whether you have symptoms or not. Reasons for testing include: STIs don’t always have symptoms Untreated STIs can cause severe and long-term … Continued
Author: calevir
Three Reasons to Take Advantage of Free STI Testing

How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

If considering adoption versus an abortion, some benefits should be considered and perhaps even discussed further with your local pregnancy center. Below are the benefits of adoption and how they can affect you. First, What Is Depression? The American Psychiatric Association defines depression as “a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you … Continued
What Is A Medical Abortion?

Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is typically an elective medication regimen women undergo to end a viable pregnancy located in the uterus. Before undergoing this procedure, women should speak with a trusted provider or a pregnancy center about the risks, give a complete health history and receive a physical to help safeguard … Continued
How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Many women can experience emotional trauma after having undergone an elective abortion. They may experience various negative emotions that are difficult to live with. If you are experiencing this, you are not alone; there is help. Identifying symptoms of mental health trauma is essential on the road to recovery. How Can I Recognize Emotional Trauma? … Continued
What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

There are two types of abortions: Medical Surgical One is chosen depending on various factors, including how far along a pregnancy is, which is confirmed during an appointment and ultrasound. What Is a Medical Abortion? A medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy through a medication regimen. This medication is sometimes referred to as the … Continued
What Are the Mental Health Effects of an Abortion?

Women’s mental health effects after having an abortion can vary for each individual. This process can be tolling mentally and emotionally, causing women to face sadness, guilt, and stress. Understanding these risks and speaking with a trusted provider or clinic can prove helpful before or after undergoing an abortion procedure. What Is Mental Health? Mental … Continued
Are STDs Contagious?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are contagious and can be very dangerous to your health and well-being. It is important to understand how these infections are spread, how to prevent them, and the impact they can contribute toward your health. What is an STD? An STD is an infection usually affecting the reproductive organs which can … Continued
How long does a surgical abortion last?

A surgical abortion can last anywhere from 3 to 6 hours or more, depending on the gestational age and your specific situation. What Is A Surgical Abortion? This technique uses instruments such as a vacuum to manually remove pregnancy tissue from a woman’s uterus by applying suction. State laws regulate this type of abortion, and … Continued
Is it Safe to Order an Online Abortion?

Abortion, no matter how it’s performed, including online abortion, is a serious life-changing procedure. Texas law states, “A manufacturer, supplier, physician, or any other person may not provide to a patient any abortion-inducing drug by courier, delivery, or mail service.” So, not only is an online or at-home abortion a serious procedure but sending the … Continued
I Don’t Want Another Abortion

Women have abortions for a variety of reasons. Age, finances, relationships, careers or education, and other responsibilities are some reasons why women choose to abort. For some women, once is enough. Are you hoping to avoid another abortion? You Have Other Options If you are unexpectedly pregnant and do not want another abortion, you have … Continued