Is Abortion My Only Option if I Don’t Have Any Money?

While you may feel that financial issues are pushing you toward abortion, it’s important to remember that these procedures are often costly. Texas does not allow private or public insurance plans to cover abortion costs, and it’s crucial to note that most abortions are illegal in the state (with exceptions for when the woman’s life … Continued

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Why Does an Ultrasound Matter if I’m Considering Abortion?

You might wonder if an ultrasound is necessary if you’re thinking about abortion. Perhaps you feel you’ve already made up your mind. Regardless of the pregnancy decision you’re leaning toward, having this scan is crucial first. An ultrasound is a diagnostic tool that uses sound waves to produce images of your body’s internal structures. In … Continued

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Are There More Options Than Abortion?

Abortion is the only option that terminates a pregnancy. While it may seem like an obvious choice for an unplanned pregnancy to some, there are other options.  When you select parenting or adoption, you continue your pregnancy and give birth. The path you take will be different with each one, but they can provide new … Continued

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Sharing Your Heart: How to Talk With Your Family When Considering Abortion

Speaking with your family about an unexpected pregnancy may feel like the hardest experience of your life. And it can be difficult not to have an emotionally charged conversation, especially if you’re considering abortion.  You alone can make a pregnancy decision, but understanding your options and learning what support you’d have with each one can … Continued

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The Role of Support Systems When Considering Abortion

You’re likely used to hearing opinions from loved ones. Whether it’s general life advice or a specific concern, opinions are part of life. But it’s crucial to understand the role of these opinions when facing major life changes.  If you have an unexpected pregnancy and are considering pregnancy options like abortion, your support system can … Continued

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Is Abortion Pill Reversal Hard on Your Body?

If you’ve taken the first drug in a medical abortion (mifepristone) and wish to continue your pregnancy through abortion pill reversal (APR), it’s understandable that you may worry about side effects or risks. This is understandable, especially when much is at stake.  APR is safe and most effective when administered within 72 hours of taking … Continued

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Are STIs Contagious?

Over 20 million people acquire an STI yearly; almost half are between the ages of 15-24. Wondering, ‘Are STIs contagious?’ Prioritize your health by learning about this common concern and exploring prevention methods. What Are STIs? Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are disease-causing infections. There are three types of STIs. Bacterial- Examples of bacterial STIs include … Continued

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3 Reasons to Take Advantage of Free STI Testing

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are more common than you might think, and it’s crucial that you receive regular testing to stop the spread and get medical treatment as soon as possible.  The CDC suggests you get tested for STIs at least once yearly, even if you don’t display any symptoms. Some STIs are asymptomatic, so … Continued

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How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Often, the time women think about pregnancy tests is when they take one for the first time. This means they usually have many questions about how they work, their reliability, and if they are using them correctly. Let us give you the information you need to feel confident taking a pregnancy test. How Do Pregnancy … Continued

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3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

Before having an abortion, it’s crucial to have an obstetric ultrasound. This type of ultrasound will allow you to confirm necessary details about your pregnancy and protect your health. Continue reading to learn more about the reasons why you need an ultrasound. 1. Confirm How Far Along You Are Your gestational age, or how far … Continued

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